Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Q: Do installations for new construction and/or commercial customers qualify for these credits?

A: No except for on-site renewables such as geothermal and solar. Besides those, these credits only apply to residential replacements with qualifying HVAC equipment. There are separate incentives from previously passed bills for new residential construction. However, on-site renewables generation such as solar, geothermal, and wind qualify for new construction credits, but not the envelope or HVAC credits addressed above. Take a look at this page for more clarifications about new residential construction.


  1. Is Geothermal resedential only and is Geothermal replacement only not new construction

  2. Upon closer review, it appears the geothermal heat pumps installed in new residential construction does qualify.

  3. It makes no sense that goverment wouldnt want to extend this tax credit to individuals building a new home. Although there are a few rebates they are minimal compared to what is offered on existing homes.

  4. I agree with you Derickk. The Earth is heating up so fast so we need to act and go green to prevent Earth from dying. With green duct cleaning, (Indianapolis) pollution would surely be lessened and little by little we could make the earth greener. In Indianapolis, HVAC is installed to have healthier homes and establishments which would gradually result to a healthier environment.

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